If you've been watching closely, you may have noticed that we've ever so slightly updated our logo.
When we set up Band of Climbers back in late 2015, we had absolutely no idea where it would take us, or what it might lead to. We began our journey simply by designing stuff that inspired us, and by sharing images on social media that inspired us. Quite quickly, our follower numbers grew. Quite quickly, you guys began to purchase some of our products which have hopefully inspired you in some way.
Now, it's turned on its head. We've built an amazing, global community of over 50k riders who share our passion for climbing, be it short sharp cobbled climbs or endless alpine gradients, and we're the ones that are now inspired by you. We absolutely love to be tagged in social media posts, we love seeing where you've been riding, and hearing your stories.
Together We Climb
It was for this reason we created the 'Together We Climb' concept, which we first used as a T-shirt design in 2017. We soon realised that Together we Climb was a simple way of saying, we're all in this together. Lets be honest, climbing hurts. But collectively, by suffering to the summit, we know that we can share our stories of pain, suffering and glory over a coffee, wherever that may be. Friend or stranger, we'll all swap stories of climbs we've ridden.
60 Countries
Our original logo used 'United Kingdom' as it's footer. Whilst we're still UK based as a business, we're now part of a global community of riders, both in social media terms, and with our customers. We now have customers in over 60 countries. Honestly, we never expected that to happen, and we cannot thank you enough for letting us be a part of your homes, offices, pain caves, or wardrobes.
Due to the now global nature of our business, it seemed only right to swap the United Kingdom footer with 'Together we Climb', as it better represents where we are, and where we're going.
Another feature of the new logo is slightly bolder mountains shape. As we use our logo in more and more places, the bolder shape can be better used across a wider range of goods, from prints to apparel and online.
Going Forward
We're still just a few guys who are inspired by climbing. We make stuff we like, and we make stuff that inspires us. For the future we've got a load of ideas which think you'll like. We hope you'll join us for the journey. It's all uphill from here.
Team BoC.