Band of Climbers Map of the best climbs of the French Alps
When we're not riding, we're usually planning new rides, so we thought it was a good idea to create a map with many of our favourite climbs of an area we love so much, the French Alps.
This map shows the summit locations of around 100 of the French Alps finest climbs. Those icons shown with our circular logo are our personal favourites or the typically most popular climbs of the region, and climbs everyone should ride at least once.
We created this map to help you plan your own rides, routes and adventures.
Some notes, this is by no means an exhaustive map of every climb in the region. Frankly, there are far too many to list. Many of these we have ridden, but there are several we haven't personally ridden ourselves. There are also a few climbs perhaps outside of what may be classed as 'The Alps', as it seemed a shame to miss them out.
Feel free to let us know which climbs we're missing in the comments below.
Enjoy the route planning.
Adam Robinson
June 16, 2021
Hi. You are missing the infamous Saleve climbs, all four sides —> Collonges sous Saleve – La Croisette, La Muraz – La Croisette, Monnetier-Mont Saleve, Cruseilles – Col des Pitons.